
I've been training with Elisa for more than 6 months now and feel healthier than I have felt in many, many years. I really value that she comes to my house and pushes me just enough to feel like I got a good workout without feeling like I hurt myself or am overly tired. Elisa has an exceptional understanding of the body and what exercises to do to target specific areas without injury. I feel lucky to have found her!

Lindsay B, San Rafael

Every day Elisa has gone beyond what a typical trainer would do, and has customized her efforts to my needs. Her constant supporting presence has made all the difference for me. She challenges me yet makes every interaction fun and motivating. Her strong will and powerful belief that positive change can happen is infectious.

Stephanie H, San Francisco

At the beginning of the pandemic and during Elisa was very mindful and able to “meet me where I was” fitness wise. Working with her made a tremendous difference in my overall well-being - my level of physical fitness, general health and happiness. I highly recommend her services.

Connie P, Tiburon

I have never been consistent in any exercise program until three years ago when I began taking personal training sessions in Mill Valley with Elisa. I have also never lost and maintained my weight until I began working with Elisa. Truly, I am one of those who join every gym and never continue. With Elisa, the workout is so tuned to what my body can do and needs and is never ever boring. Every workout, whether it's outside by the Bay in Tiburon, under the trees in Mill Valley or at my house, is always different, yet consistent. I can no longer listen to friends who complain about wanting to lose weight, when I know to whom they can go to for the answer. The very best!

Judy G, Mill Valley

Elisa Menzel, a Personal Trainer from Mill Valley, was recommended to me by a senior friend for in-home exercise. Elisa came to my office in Corte Madera, which was very convenient. I had hip surgery and needed to work on my balance to improve my walking. With the personal training exercises and the assisted stretching, we worked on it, and it really did help me to improve my balance. I feel a lot safer walking and coming up and down the steps to my work.

Georgia R, Corte Madera

Personal training with Elisa Menzel and the wide variety of exercises she gives me helps me feel strong and healthy. I'm able to enjoy the hiking trails in Marin because my endurance, strength and balance have all been improved by working out with Elisa. She's educated, reliable, and best of all, a very caring and encouraging person.

Richard C, Mill Valley

Elisa Menzel was recommended to me by my neighbor, who was having trouble with her hip, several years ago. I have worked with Elisa very regularly since then. Because of a back injury, turning over was almost impossible for me. Now it is easy. I also lost 80 pounds, which makes movement easier. With traffic having gotten so much worse, I appreciate the convenience of Elisa coming to my house. She is the BEST!!

Holly B, Sausalito

I broke my wrist and experienced major swelling and pain in my arm and hand. Elisa did manual lymph drainage, and it was amazing how fast and effective it cleared out the swelling. In addition to being among the most experienced and skilled PT's, Elisa is truly a warm, kind, compassionate coach who holds a firm commitment to your well-being. She is also an excellent listener and her intuition and ability to pick up on cues, are invaluable in finding the right treatment program for your personal needs.

Elaine M, San Rafael

Elisa helped me recover from a major shoulder surgery last year. Her untiring determination paired with an amazing depth of knowledge achieved what I thought was not possible - today I am able to use my shoulder as if nothing happened! She is a truly wonderful coach and person. Forever thankful to her!

Thomas V, San Rafael

Elisa brings a holistic perspective to fitness as compared to other fitness professionals I have worked with. Elisa got me to step out of the gym and exercise in beautiful places in nature. I know I can rely on Elisa to get me away from my desk into daylight, fresh air, and trees. Elisa also inspired me to improve my diet, which has been leading to healthy permanent weight loss and more balanced energy throughout the day. This has initiated a series of broader life changes for me, which I am very excited about! My overall sense of well-being has improved thanks to this change in diet and working out with Elisa. Elisa has been good at both supporting my growth while also making the workouts safe. She does not push hard but focuses on a gradual build up of strength. I appreciate how knowledgeable Elisa is about the body, health and fitness. I trust Elisa to give me sound advice on these matters and also on diet. Elisa is one of the best listeners I know. I feel seen and cared for by how present and attentive she is.

Sunil J, San Rafael

My doctor recommended core strength training for my lower back pain. I decided to look for a personal trainer in Mill Valley, and I found Elisa Menzel on Yelp. I wanted to learn a safe workout routine that I could do by myself at the gym. Elisa was very helpful and showed me an easy to remember routine at the gym. But I don't really like gyms. When I heard that Elisa offered outdoor workouts, I thought I'll give it a try. And I loved it. Exercising outdoors changed everything for me. For the first time, I felt really motivated and looked forward to my personal training sessions. I was impressed how Elisa can set up a gym outdoors in a park in no time at all. There is much more variety than using the machines at the gym. My core feels strong now, my lower back pain is gone, and I still enjoy exercising with Elisa.

Pascale V, Corte Madera

If you are looking for a personal trainer, I highly recommend Elisa Menzel. I am not a big fan of working out at a gym, but I know that movement and exercise is important for my well-being. Elisa has introduced me to very enjoyable ways of working out outdoors. I love being in nature. It is energizing and relaxing for me at the same time. But don’t worry about rainy days. Elisa will drive to your house and give you an amazing indoor workout.

Katja G, San Rafael

Several years ago I was looking for a personal trainer near my home in Mill Valley and I turned to Google. I knew that I did not want to go to a gym and I was worried about hurting my lower back again. I found Elisa Menzel via Google which turned out to be a great choice and she has been my personal trainer three times a week ever since.

I have enjoyed working out outdoors at different parks around Mill Valley. On rainy days Elisa comes to my home. She brings all her own equipment, which keeps the workouts varied and fun.

Before I started working out with Elisa I always had the desire to hike the trail of the Dipsea race, a seven mile hike which runs between Mill Valley and Stinson Beach and winds through the mountains. But I was out of shape. Not long ago, Elisa and I finally hiked the trail and I was surprised how easy it was! We plan to do it again soon.

Elisa has helped me build up my core strength in a safe way and made cardio workouts fun. She's also helped me reach my optimal weight. I am 61 years old and in better shape than I have ever been. I highly recommend working with Elisa, especially if you have an injury or a back issue like I did.

Kim W, Mill Valley

Have you ever had 'Getting in shape' as a new year's resolution? Well, I did. Last year. Did I make it happen? No. Not until I hired Elisa from Fitness Inside Out of Marin. That was one year ago. Today: I have never been in such good shape. I feel great. I lost the weight I have been wanting to lose for a long time. I am stronger than ever. When my friends ask me to go for a hike, I don't need to worry, I don't need to ask detailed questions, I can just go and enjoy a hike with my friends anytime. My sleep has improved. It is easier for me to stay focused at work. And don't get fooled by Elisa's sweet and gentle personality: she gracefully holds you accountable and guides you to your next fitness level to make sure you reach your goals. Even after a year of working with her I still look forward to every Personal Training session with her, which always turns out to be a lot of fun. You can't beat that!!

Pepa R, Mill Valley

I cannot recommend Elisa highly enough for personal training in Mill Valley. She is multitalented as a personal trainer and was also trained as physical therapist. She has the training, compassion and understanding when it comes to working with clients with a past history of injury or illness. She knows when to push her clients during their training routines and when to back off. I have found her to be timely and to keep her appointments. I have previously worked with trainers who claimed that they know how to work with conditions of osteoporosis and arthritis. In reality, they did not have the training and actually made things worse.

Una S, Mill Valley

I have had the pleasure of working with Elisa both outdoors and within a gym setting. What I immediately found the most comforting was her acuity in noticing the needs of my particular body with all its injuries and special considerations. Elisa is able to create a workout that not only helps me become better in shape, but also equips me with the means to do work on my own to assist in my own healing. She is kind and also tough enough to not let me get away with continuing my own patterns, especially when I want to give up! I highly recommend Elisa for anyone with injuries, old or new, and anyone looking to create more strength, core stability and self-esteem.

Holly G, San Rafael

I have been working out with Elisa for almost 4 years. I am 51 years old, feel young, hate working out, know I have to and I am overweight. I also failed to mention I have had Crohn's disease for 25 years so some days I just feel really ill. That is the only time I actually miss working out. So as an exercise hater I have been working out, amazingly happily, with Elisa. She gentles me into doing things I didn't think I would do nor want to do. She is willing to

meet me at great and different locations to keep me distracted from exercising. When the weather allows we also do water aerobics! Elisa is generous in mind, body and spirit. She spends extra time with me when I need it. I feel better than ever and seldom miss a session now. She brings with her the professional background of a physical therapist and the attitude of a caring friend. She helps make my life work.

Frances G, San Francisco

I have worked with Elisa for a number of years now, and she is simply the best trainer I have ever had. She has unbelievable training, going way beyond basic personal training. She knows the body and for anyone who has ever been injured, this is invaluable. There is nothing harder than getting a little bit better and then having set backs because your trainer is not skilled.

I have lost weight with her, gotten stronger and healthier because I worked with her. After the birth of my second child, she has really worked with me to overcome some difficult challenges to my back and knee. She is incredibly knowledgeable and a great trainer.

Kathrine D, Sausalito

Elisa is everything you'd want in a personal trainer--knowledgeable, patient, easy-going and light-hearted. But this is not to say that she's a pushover. Elisa will tailor your routine to your fitness goals. If it's rehabilitation you need, you may see her softer, gentler side. But if you want to get fit you may see her benevolent taskmaster!

I came to Elisa with a shoulder problem and I found her to be very helpful. She gave me numerous exercises to improve the problem while letting me know which exercises I should avoid. She also came to my gym, which worked out well, since she showed me how to properly use the equipment there.

One thing that was really helpful is that Elisa took some videos of me (at my request) with my smartphone while I performed the exercise that she had just demonstrated for me. While she recorded me she added a voiceover explaining proper form and reminding me of the weight that we'd chosen. In the past when I'd used other personal trainers I found myself forgetting the particulars of the exercises that I'd just learned the day before.

Whether you have a particular physical issue that you're working on or want to improve your general fitness, I wholeheartedly recommend Elisa! Whatever your goal is, you'll find Elisa's expert knowledge and encouraging attitude will help you reach it more quickly and with more fun!

Davide S, Sausalito

I've known Elisa for a number of years now. Since I live on the other side of the Bay, I can’t meet with her often, only when I have problems with my body do I go over and have a brainstorming session with Elisa about how I can maintain my self-care in the best possible way. I love Elisa's gentle, yet firm approach. I value her knowledgeable suggestions, attention to details, and how much material she is able to give me in one session. I read the reviews here on Yelp, and I find them all true - what else can I add to them? Maybe one thing - her caring presence always brightens my day, her support improves not only my physical well-being, but uplifts my state of mind and heart as well.

Lena J, Berkeley

Elisa and I share the Love of nature. Being active outside is so invigorating and fun. Besides being very knowledgeable about strengthening the body, Elisa also has a wonderful way of combining movement and teaching healthy eating habits. She makes delicious food and shares her recipes in her cooking classes. I highly recommend her!

Sybille H, San Rafael